Vaibhav helped me Embody my Soul Nature.
Vaibhav came into my life when I was in the most need of the practical guidance and mentorship. His patience, wisdom, fierce love and compassion has made me take proactive steps towards my own healing journey . I am a highly sensitive person with auto immune disorders and anxiety due to my childhood trauma. Before I met him, I was seeking magical solutions for my problems, in all the wrong places, that was causing me more harm than ever before.
He helped me understand the importance of having a balanced and a practical approach towards my physical, mental and emotional well being. He suggested I go to talk therapy to understand my own conditioning, strengths and weaknesses. It has helped me overcome many mental challenges and process my past trauma.
He taught me the importance of daily practice, discipline and accountability. He helped me develop a schedule and roadmap that best suits my needs. Today with the help of his simple and direct teaching, I am working on my Self-Realization, Enlightenment and Liberation journey, developing my own fulfilling relationship with the Divine.
His divine expression comes from a genuine place. His teachings are always thoroughly researched and based on his own real life experiences. Vaibhav does not identify with any concepts. He will not label anything in our daily life as, “this is spiritual and this is not spiritual.” Everything is Divine Love!
He has always guided me to put in the hard work wherever I was in the present moment, directly pointing me towards the Truth every time.
Rashmitha Dhanraj (Creative Lead – Coming Home to Divine Love)
Vaibhav was the first one to understand how I feel!
Vaibhav has helped me not just once but twice. I have no words right now to express how settled I felt after the reply that I got from him for my questions. For the first time in these 4 years Vaibhav got me right. He was the first one to understand how it feels to be a Diabetic at 25. Everyone else around just asked me to accept and move on. It was not like I didn’t want to move on. It’s just that I was finding it hard to accept the reality and the trauma that I was going through.
I felt much relaxed thinking that at last someone got to understand my point so correctly. Unlike others, he never tries to force the solution, rather he listens and understands the situation, the trauma and then suggests the tools which help us to get out of it. He made me see the opportunity in disguise. He helped me accept the way I am and how I can make much out of it. Thanks to him, I am in a much better state of mind. Thank you so much!
Anindita K (Software Professional)
I experienced some of the most blissful moments in my life in Vaibhav’s presence!
Since the time I was 18, I’ve experienced depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed with OCD, for which I received psychotherapy, for around a year. I was on more pills than I could count, and I refrained from leaving my house for a year and a half. But, thanks to the support of my family and friends, ie. my external situation, I came out stronger and better. However, I never really made any change internally. I always felt this undercurrent of anxiety, and I still do. I am still the same guy, a train-wreck waiting to happen.
Then I stumbled upon books of eastern philosophy, and presence, and as I read it I could strongly relate. To me, it was a higher truth, then the superficial drama of my mind, I was subject to. But I didn’t have the requisite guidance to enter the state of presence for any prolonged period of time. I believe the reason for that is, I tried to use the mind to enter the present state, which can be very challenging for the mentally ill.
The most fundamental lesson I learned with my time practicing with Vaibhav is that the body is the best anchor to the present moment. I have always been a skeptic of yoga, but the element of mindfulness infused with the movement of body, kept me grounded for over 3-4 hours a day, something I haven’t felt before. I felt incredibly present after every workout, and I kept coming for more only because I could see the tangible benefit, it had on my anxiety levels.
I clearly have a long way to go, but I just needed a push in the right direction. I experienced some of the most blissful moments in my life in Vaibhav’s presence
Narayanan Rengarajan (Chartered Accountant )
I am able to witness my ego and decide what story I have to tell from a Divine space!
I absolutely loved the Calm Abidance mediation from Vaibhav’s recordings. You won’t believe it but since that session, I feel much more at peace. I know that there is a divine plan for everything and the more I let go of resistance, the more things get easier. I’m having so much more energy and motivation for everything. I feel really well and wake up feeling rejuvenated!
And the best news possible, after my online practice sessions with Rashmitha, and with Vaibhav’s meditation guidance, I stopped all my anti-depressants. I felt like my body didn’t need them anymore. I was of course responsible about it and petered them down slowly.
I want to continue in this state of being able to witness my ego when it takes over and decide what story I have to tell from a divine space! Also, the questions that Vaibhav had answered for me have really really helped me a lot!
Chandini A (Creative Artist)
Vaibhav has helped me realise how blind I actually was and thanks to him that I now believe.
I would like to thank Vaibhav for taking out time from his life and helping us with yoga and meditative practices. I am truly grateful and appreciative of the fact that I have an amazing teacher who is helping me to continue doing these practices.
Coming on to the practices itself, it has been a really amazing experience, personally. The physical and mental relaxation attained by practicing asanas and meditation cannot be explained by words. This is what I have experienced during the meditative trance that I went into. During one of the meditative sessions, i felt like I was one with the sky. I felt all the weight off my shoulders lifted, my body being at one with the sky, and everything around me was blue. It was a state of complete mind and body relaxation.
Coming onto the second experience, it was something that could only be felt, not explained. Lying down, breathing steady, mind at complete ease, it was the feeling of being dipped into the ocean and the feeling of the whole body being wet. This was something that happened in a fraction of a second and cannot be explained. To anyone reading this, I would recommend practicing anything, be it meditation or yoga. I was a person who looked down on all these practices all for the simple reason being that I couldn’t see the benefits of it. Vaibhav has helped me realise how blind I actually was and thanks to him that I now believe.
Shreyas Iyer (Student)
My body was light as I read his letter and I was able to, with ease of heart, drop all expectations…
The letter Vaibhav wrote back to me was so beautifully written. It has such a deep meaning. I read it twice and I understood a little more the second time. The answer to my question about ‘Anger’ has got me thinking so much. I loved it!
I don’t know if you will get it…but, it was like my body was light as I read it. I have read it so many times. I need to get myself to a neutral state of mind and then read it again for a deeper perspective. Each time I read it, I am able to with ease of heart, drop all the expectations the world and family has on me, in that moment.
It’s magical, you know?
Sumana Rao (Reiki Healer)
I awakened to a sense of purpose, a positive feeling, a hope that none of the stuff from the past matters
Firstly, I want to thank Vaibhav for helping me out during this time, where I feel my life is at a standstill point. I agree with everything he’s told me, especially the part where we rarely keep our awareness in the present moment and just feel what is happening at this right moment, instead most of the times I catch myself being lost into the past or the future.
He helped me take peak of who I am right now and what my current state of awareness is. I realized every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was random irrelevant pieces of information floating around in my mind’s eye. By the time I was able to push them out and attain some form of stillness, some form of quiet, the class was over and I opened my eyes to a state of confusion and uncertainty.
I awakened to a sense of purpose, a positive feeling, a hope that none of the stuff from the past matters and what I do right now is what I’m going to be carrying for the rest of my life. This small piece of what I felt made me reprogram a lot of things in my life like switching to an organic way of life, being aware of what I put into my body, a random act of kindness a day, being simplistic and not building my life around technology but rather use it only when I need to.
Through Vaibhav’s guidance I want to make this practice more sustainable and change the way I see things and move towards the better. This will help me attain something that was always missing, a sense of neutrality, a sense of understanding, a sense of awareness where I would no longer be haunted by the regrets of the past.
Gautham Kadri (Brew Master and Corporate Team Leader)
I felt positive and happy during the days I practiced with and learned from Vaibhav.
I’d like to humbly express my gratitude to Vaibhav for taking me through these highly invaluable sessions with so many takeaways for in such a short span!
Given how rough things have been for me on the work front (which obviously started to affect me personally as well), I was desperate for some sort of mental detox. Getting reintroduced to meditation through Vaibhav’s sessions has certainly been a refreshing experience for me, in recent times.
Some of the key takeaways for me were how the sessions helped me get my focus back during (and after) the practice. I also felt a sense of calmness that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I had almost stopped thinking of all the problems during the practice. I felt that I was in the moment. My focus was only on my breathing and movement alignment. Also, the asana that made me exert every muscle in my body was the most rewarding experience ever. That sense of stillness in the mind after the release is highly addictive. More than anything, I felt positive and happy during the days I practiced with and learned from Vaibhav.
I sincerely hope I can learn more from Vaibhav in the days to come and get a better attitude, perception, and approach towards the challenges that life throws. Thanks again for extending a helping hand to all of us. Super excited to practice with Vaibhav again!
Abhishek Ananth (Project Manager)
I experienced the most beautiful moment when I encountered the pure awareness! It was such a bliss that I can never forget.
I started getting involved in spirituality when I suffered from serious health condition. As I was seeking answers to many questions and doubts, I came to know about Vaibhav and his guidance. Vaibhav scheduled a session on call ASAP when I reached out to him. During the first session, I felt my stress being released through tears and I attained a peaceful state after a long time. Slowly when I got more involved in mindfulness and meditation, I saw myself coming out of the desperate state of mind. Vaibhav made me realise how pure the Self is and how it is detached from all the worldly worries. On the second session, I experienced the most beautiful moment. It is when I encountered the pure awareness! It was such a bliss that I can never forget. Working with him made me understand how these sufferings actually helped me by getting me inclined with the true nature of Self. And I realised that all the answers I was searching were within me this whole time! I find absolute peace by simply witnessing the true Self and embracing its presence. It’s not like I suffer or worry no more, but now that I am more aligned with the Self and the wisdom I have gained so far, it makes me feel that I’m strong enough to be okay with any situation or challenges I’m about to face and these aren’t going to affect my inner peace. I’m always grateful to Vaibhav for making me experience such a beautiful journey!
Shaila Angelin (Student)
To actually witness that the Divine has been inside me all these years and to actually feel his presence inside me can’t be expressed in words.
The guided meditation with Vaibhav was my first experience to actually feel the Divine in me. The meditation started from the pelvic area than moved towards the heart space and then the head space. When I lifted off the weight from the heart it felt so light and i felt a cooling effect there. Vaibhav was guiding me and I was following after him. Then we moved to the throat area and lastly the head space and I could connect to the Divine within me at the back of my neck. I could feel everything and connect also. It was such a divinely experience that I cried happy tears and it was such a beautiful moment that I wanted to be in that state forever. To actually witness that the Divine has been inside me all these years and to actually feel his presence inside me can’t be expressed in words. To live that magical moment was a surreal experience for me and I can’t thank Vaibhav enough to hold that space for me and take me through it.
Neha Lohia (Homemaker and educator)
I felt inner peace and joy without any reason. At that moment, I felt that there is nowhere to go… no goal to be achieved.. I am wonderful as I am.
I have done a one on one session with Vaibhav last month. and have been following his guidance. Yesterday when I went to terrace to play with my child, suddenly I got totally absorbed into the present moment. Tears started rolling down from my eyes with deep sense of gratitude. I started to admire everything around me which appeared normal before. The flowing river, crows flying, birds chirping, the trees swaying in the breeze, flowers in the terrace garden … they all looked more beautiful and Divine! I felt inner peace and joy without any reason. At that moment, I felt that there is nowhere to go… no goal to be achieved.. I am wonderful as I am. This feeling lasted for 10 to 15 min. I am truly grateful for that. Deep gratitude to Vaibhav Sir and to Rashmitha who asked me to connect with Vaibhav for a meditation session.
Karthiga Abinaya (Software Developer)